Academic inventor Ioan Davidoni will present a curriculum vitae intended for all who want to know the man who has dedicated his whole career to innovation.
Ever idealistic, Ioan Davidoni strives to offer people solutions for a better life.
3 years vocational school: electrician, The School Encsel Mauriciu – Tg. Mureș
Secondary education – Brediceanu High School – Lugoj
Industrial metrology specialization – București 1967
Thermotechnical specialization – “Faianţă” Laboratory of Thermotechnics and Metrology, Sighişoara, 1968
33 years at S.C. Stitom S.A. Tomeşti, Timiş County, as an a.m.c. specialist and Metrology Coordinator, authorized from 1972-1996 as a verification metrologist in the fields: Masses, Pressures, Temperatures.
Inventive activity
Over 900 inventions, inventions and inventive technical solutions, kept in clear evidence, supported by patents, innovations certificates, finding documents, articles in technical magazines, photographs and filming. Of these, the inventor made them practically. At Stitom S.A-Tomesti, where the inventor worked for 33 years as a metrologist specialist and factory metrology coordinator, of the 170 inventive technical solutions proposed to the factory management over the years, 90 have been applied practically. Some of these were award-winning inventions, and others were certified by an innovation certificate.
Fields of interest
New sources of energy, fuel saving, glass technology, environment, health.
Patents patents awarded to international inventions fairs
Ecological platform for the recovery of oil on the surface of the water – Golden Medal – Bruxelles 2002
Heat exchanger with autonomous operation – Silver Medal, Geneva 2003
Vibrating Shoes – Silver Medal, Brussels 2002
Mobile phone anti-radiation pouch – Bronze Medal, Geneva 2004
Magneto-vibrating suction cup – Bronze Medal, Brussels 2004
Vibrator bra – Silver Medal, Budapest 2004
Antistress Magnetic Shoes – Gold Medal, Geneva 2005
Energizing Magnetic Glove – Silver Medal, Brussels, 2005
Screen Protector for Phone, Computer, TV – Bronze Medal, Brussels 2006
Modernized Magnetic Glove – Bronze Medal, Zagreb 2007
Winder rotor with vertical axis – Bronze Medal, Target Inventika Bucharest 2009
Magnetic Fertilizer – Silver Medal, Fair Inventika Bucharest 2009
Crystal Magnetic Fertilizer – Bronze Medal, Geneva 2010
Other great achievements
Wind power plant with horizontal rotor. He entered the Book of National Records in 1981. It worked between 1973-1996
Burning Glass Burner Adjustment Procedure B.I. 106872 Hydrogen CBI – A / 00189/2003 with Self-Excitation Generator, worked between 1977-1992
Anti-aging cosmetic mask, CBI A / 00504/2005
CBI Medical Magnetic Pills A / 00497/2007
Ecological magnetic fertilizer, CBI A / 00496/2007, variant 2 tree type 2008, variant 3 multicomponent 2009
Magnetic collar, magnetic thong, etc. CBI – 00505/2005
Personalized magnetic card for human energy harmonization – CBI – 00305/2009
Magnetic building materials – Magnetic radiation protection building with cosmic and tellurium radiation – CBI-00650/2008
Fossil and nuclear fuel subatomic stimulant – CBI – 00355/2009
PAKUA Octagram with rare earths and magnetic elements for energy harmonization – CBI-00450/2009
Scientific activity
Mener Program 2001-2002 – BI 106288/93
Aeronautical Progression, Collaboration with the Military Academy – Hypersensitive Machine 2001
INVENT Program – National Study – Wind Energy Ecosystem Balance for Romania – 2001-2002
New energy sources / wind patent collaboration with Politehnica Timisoara in 2009
Recognition of scientific input
National merit ord. III – Golden Medal – Cotroceni Presidency 2002 & amp; Excellency Diploma – Timişoara City Hall 2005
Troubleshooting RTV, watches and clocks, collecting antiques, astrology, publisher New Content, Science and Technology -1980 to 1985.
Disciple of Prof. Pr. D. Stăniloaie, Avva Ieronim, Avva Theofil from 1981, guidance in – TREZVIE – installation contemplation 1981.
Oriental techniques
5 levels with Professor Kadokan Tokyo, Martial Arts – JJ International and Meditation 1968-1970
Schultz and Bounaventura autogenous training 1977-1979 to the opening of Petola Violete with parapsychologist Dobrojenski Lavinia
Radiant 1 Layer Technique with Lazia Dumitru – 1993
4 Qi-Gong Seminars – Healing Techniques with Cezar Culda
9 Qi-Gong seminars, Danhui (contact with superior entities) and Feng-Shui – with Mr. Yong Song, 1999-2008