A group of like minded individuals, we have joined together to broaden the exposure and usage of bio quantum technology unique products across North America. We are aligned in our intentions and purpose with the inventor principles of furthering human and environmental wellness for the world. As a small outfit we also rely on our own spiritual practice of attracting the interest of others who are drawn to our website. We respect spiritual principles and work with consciousness in all that we do.

Focused on a high quality of life for people, the products have only been available in the US a very short time.

The truth is out, the light shines into the darkest corners of our past, and any further attempts to hide such treasure shall fail.

Conscious Living in Quantum Awareness

Davidoni is a man of vision and purpose - a human being of the highest intelligence, who carries an intention for the health and the freedom of humanity across the world.

Our Approach

A soft introduction of bio quantum technology inventions in ever widening circles. As a start up we encourage and rely on testimonials from every individual and professional in our circle who experiences the gentle and effective power of our products. We are inviting affiliate connections with other professionals who are of like intent and who are interested in the true healing of our global community. In time we intend to broaden the product line to include environmental experts in agriculture, air and water research. The future of our survival is supported by these products.

Our Mission

To elevate human interaction, promote love among people and increase spiritual well-being across the world.

    • These quantum devices promote our highest potential and spiritual fulfillment.
    • Increase human health and consciousness through the use of these products.
    • Benefit individuals on their journey to their full potential.
    • Reduce environmental waste and reduce water requirements for agriculture and all food products. 
    • Stabilize the environment.

The inventions are an essential part on our path to evolution. The inclusion of our high frequency products assist in harmonizing energy fields exactly as each of us needs. This exclusive ability to  align with each person’s energy for personal expansion, greater inner peace and release of outmoded habits and trauma brings us  great satisfaction. The longer we work with Davidoni’s inventions, the greater our eyes and hearts are opened. Each of us can tell a story about our inner discoveries and the changes that are taking place in our lives, no matter where we stand or how aware we are.

Our Vision

The bio quantum technology inventions are present in the Field of Consciousness. As such they are available to anyone seeking Guidance. The inventor’s intention to help heal and raise up people’s life experience is at the forefront of gaining true self awareness. Our products may offer such change = Transformation from the inside out.


What we offer


The quantum magneto products are designed to reduce environmental and traumatic disruptions to help balance all energy fields. Available for purchase while supplies last.


We are expanding a collaborative opportunity with businesses who would like to partner with us in cutting edge technology, in order to support and help reach a higher level of well-being.


Davidoni Foreword

“It is known that the value of a country depends on the values ​​of participation in the Universal Patrimony – discoveries, inventions, literature, music, painting, etc. The inventions have a wide range of participation in changing the face of the world for the better (effects – social, economic, environment, technical progress). Behind the realization of these values ​​are always people with profound national consciousness, who morally, often and materially, support those who sacrifice their lives for realizing these values. For the sake of these people and respect for their respect for the values ​​of our people, you mobilize in full. The others, who in any way criticize, offend, brake, do it against the nation for the purpose of destruction, but one thing will never be allowed and they will never succeed, destroy Grace to make inventions, to paint or to to sing. From my mission at birth, I have given the Universal Patrimony several inventions that have lived around the world and bears Davidoni – Romania. The first was the wind power installation, made in 1973, entered in the National Records Book in 1981, still functional in 2013. Other inventions bearing the brand Davidoni – Romania and which have become a world brand are: Anti-Radiation Screen for Mobile Phones, Antistress, Vibrator Bra, Magnetic Fertilizer and Quantum Amplifier, bringing over $ 100 billion to over 20 countries producing similar products after about 5 to 10 years after their patents in Romania and reaching the Romanian market by the end of 2012 , without taking into account their social, economic and environmental effects. 90% of my inventions are due to the wonderful people who have supported me morally and who have not left me alone in front of the antagonists, the antiromans, 9% are due to those who helped me and financially help me to bring my inventions to the level finished and patented product, and 1% is My Grace. Without your help I could not do anything, you give me the energy you need to do something for our people. Thank you very much and I wish you the Good Lord to bring you all the desired accomplishments. My Soul and My Heart thank you and greet you! May the Divinity help us do as many wonderful things as possible for our country, for the children of our children.”




Davidoni's curriculum vitae

Academic inventor Ioan Davidoni will present a curriculum vitae intended for all who want to know the man who has dedicated his whole career to innovation.

Ever idealistic, Ioan Davidoni strives to offer people solutions for a better life.


3 years vocational school: electrician, The School Encsel Mauriciu – Tg. Mureș
Secondary education – Brediceanu High School – Lugoj
Industrial metrology specialization – București 1967
Thermotechnical specialization – “Faianţă” Laboratory of Thermotechnics and Metrology, Sighişoara, 1968


33 years at S.C. Stitom S.A. Tomeşti, Timiş County, as an a.m.c. specialist and Metrology Coordinator, authorized from 1972-1996 as a verification metrologist in the fields: Masses, Pressures, Temperatures.

Inventive activity

Over 900 inventions, inventions and inventive technical solutions, kept in clear evidence, supported by patents, innovations certificates, finding documents, articles in technical magazines, photographs and filming. Of these, the inventor made them practically. At Stitom S.A-Tomesti, where the inventor worked for 33 years as a metrologist specialist and factory metrology coordinator, of the 170 inventive technical solutions proposed to the factory management over the years, 90 have been applied practically. Some of these were award-winning inventions, and others were certified by an innovation certificate.

Fields of interest

New sources of energy, fuel saving, glass technology, environment, health.
Patents patents awarded to international inventions fairs

Ecological platform for the recovery of oil on the surface of the water – Golden Medal – Bruxelles 2002
Heat exchanger with autonomous operation – Silver Medal, Geneva 2003
Vibrating Shoes – Silver Medal, Brussels 2002
Mobile phone anti-radiation pouch – Bronze Medal, Geneva 2004
Magneto-vibrating suction cup – Bronze Medal, Brussels 2004
Vibrator bra – Silver Medal, Budapest 2004
Antistress Magnetic Shoes – Gold Medal, Geneva 2005
Energizing Magnetic Glove – Silver Medal, Brussels, 2005
Screen Protector for Phone, Computer, TV – Bronze Medal, Brussels 2006
Modernized Magnetic Glove – Bronze Medal, Zagreb 2007
Winder rotor with vertical axis – Bronze Medal, Target Inventika Bucharest 2009
Magnetic Fertilizer – Silver Medal, Fair Inventika Bucharest 2009
Crystal Magnetic Fertilizer – Bronze Medal, Geneva 2010

Other great achievements

Wind power plant with horizontal rotor. He entered the Book of National Records in 1981. It worked between 1973-1996
Burning Glass Burner Adjustment Procedure B.I. 106872 Hydrogen CBI – A / 00189/2003 with Self-Excitation Generator, worked between 1977-1992
Anti-aging cosmetic mask, CBI A / 00504/2005
CBI Medical Magnetic Pills A / 00497/2007
Ecological magnetic fertilizer, CBI A / 00496/2007, variant 2 tree type 2008, variant 3 multicomponent 2009
Magnetic collar, magnetic thong, etc. CBI – 00505/2005
Personalized magnetic card for human energy harmonization – CBI – 00305/2009
Magnetic building materials – Magnetic radiation protection building with cosmic and tellurium radiation – CBI-00650/2008
Fossil and nuclear fuel subatomic stimulant – CBI – 00355/2009
PAKUA Octagram with rare earths and magnetic elements for energy harmonization – CBI-00450/2009

Scientific activity

Mener Program 2001-2002 – BI 106288/93
Aeronautical Progression, Collaboration with the Military Academy – Hypersensitive Machine 2001
INVENT Program – National Study – Wind Energy Ecosystem Balance for Romania – 2001-2002
New energy sources / wind patent collaboration with Politehnica Timisoara in 2009

Recognition of scientific input

National merit ord. III – Golden Medal – Cotroceni Presidency 2002 & amp; Excellency Diploma – Timişoara City Hall 2005


Troubleshooting RTV, watches and clocks, collecting antiques, astrology, publisher New Content, Science and Technology -1980 to 1985.


Disciple of Prof. Pr. D. Stăniloaie, Avva Ieronim, Avva Theofil from 1981, guidance in – TREZVIE – installation contemplation 1981.

Oriental techniques

5 levels with Professor Kadokan Tokyo, Martial Arts – JJ International and Meditation 1968-1970
Schultz and Bounaventura autogenous training 1977-1979 to the opening of Petola Violete with parapsychologist Dobrojenski Lavinia
Radiant 1 Layer Technique with Lazia Dumitru – 1993
4 Qi-Gong Seminars – Healing Techniques with Cezar Culda
9 Qi-Gong seminars, Danhui (contact with superior entities) and Feng-Shui – with Mr. Yong Song, 1999-2008

As an esteemed and long time senior member of The Academy of Life Sciences in Romania and Serbia, Mr. Davidoni, Academician (actual title for this high level of scientists) has won multiple gold medals and other distinguished awards in the various international salons of science and technology since 2003.

Medals and diplomas Award-winning inventions

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View our ever growing list of existing case studies conducted around the world. These studies have been implemented in areas such as environmental, agriculture, livestock, pets, and personal well being. We present you the inventions awarded and the inventions patents.

DISCLAIMER - The products and services provided by this website do not constitute medical advice or professional services. The information provided herein and the quantum magneto products offered herein, should not be used for diagnosing or treating a medical condition or problem, health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. The products belongs to the Wellness Products class. Read Full Disclaimer